Dean Reviews

Fostering successful and effective leadership

In 2022, a committee of faculty, administrators and staff was formed to assess the dean performance review policy and make suggestions for improvement. The committee reviewed best practices for administrative leadership reviews and drew on the expertise of HR staff at Temple. The new policy for dean reviews went into effect September 1, 2023.

Key Objectives

About the new process

Picture of 360° review

360° review

12-15 individuals with significant interactions with the Dean provide a more in-depth review of leadership skills and practices

Picture of  Survey


A confidential survey of staff and faculty in the schools and colleges, conducted by Human Resources and Institutional Research and Assessment

Picture of Written materials and metrics

Written materials and metrics

An overview from the dean, any school/college annual reports, and other materials such as strategic plans, accreditation reports, program reviews, and survey data

Picture of  Midpoint reviews

Midpoint reviews

Held halfway through a dean’s initial appointment, a midpoint review provides more formative feedback at an early career stage